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Current Position: >WDM >AWG >48-CH 100G Athermal AWG module in 1U Rackmount FC UPC Connector
48-CH 100G Athermal AWG module in 1U Rackmount FC UPC Connector62b160d053565.jpg

48-CH 100G Athermal AWG module in 1U Rackmount FC UPC Connector

Athermal AWG(AAWG) have equivalent performance to standard Thermal AWG(TAWG) but require no electrical power for stabilization.

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This document presents the generic specification for the 80-channel 50GHz Athermal AWG MUX/DEMUX Rackmount supplied for use in DWDM system.

Athermal AWG(AAWG) have equivalent performance to standard Thermal AWG(TAWG) but require no electrical power for stabilization. They can be used as direct replacements for Thin Film Filters(Filter type DWDM module) for cases where no power is available, also suitable for outdoor applications over -30 to +70 degree in access networks. Flyin’s Athermal AWG(AAWG) provide excellent optical performance, high reliability, ease of fiber handling and power saving solution in a compact package. Different input and output fibers, such as SM fibers, MM fibers and PM fiber can be selected to meet different applications. We can just offer 19” 1U rackmount package for 50G AWG products.

The planar DWDM components(Thermal/Athermal AWG) from Flyin Optronics are fully qualified according to Telcordia reliability assurance requirements for fiber optic and opto-electronic components (GR-1221-CORE/UNC, Generic Reliability Assurance Requirements for Fiber Optic Branching Components, and Telcordia TR-NWT-000468, Reliability Assurance Practices for Opto-electronic Devices).

Low Insertion LossDWDM transmission
Established silica-on-siliconWavelength Routing
Low PDLOptical add/drop multiplexing
Low chromatic dispersion
Telcordia GR-1221-CORE qualified

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Performance Specifications(Flattop Thermal AWG)

 Min TypMax
Number of Channels80
Number Channel Spacing(GHz)50
Cha. Center Wavelength(nm)C-Band
Clear Channel Passband(nm)±0.1
Wavelength Stability(nm)±0.05
-1 dB Channel Bandwidth(nm)0.36

-3 dB Channel Bandwidth(nm)0.51

Optical Insertion Loss at ITU grid(dB)


Total Channel Isolation24

Insertion Loss Uniformity(dB)

Directivity(Mux Only)(dB)45

Insertion Loss Ripple(dB)

Optical Return loss(dB) 40 

PDL/Polarization Dependent Loss in Clear Channel Band(dB)
             0.3                           0.5              
Polarization Mode Dispersion(ps)

Maximum Optical Power(mW)

MUX/DEMUX input/ output Monitoring range(dB/℃)             -35              
Operating Temperature(℃)-5~+65 (-40~+85 optional)
Operating Humidity(%RH)5
Storage Temperature(℃)-40
Storage Humidity(%RH)5
Package Size(mm)L120×W705×H10 or 19" 1U Rackmount
Size between Screws(mm)110x60

1. IL Represents the worst case over a +/-0.01nm window around the ITU wavelength;

2. PDL was measured on average polarization over a +/- 0.01nm window around the ITU wavelength.

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